Best Business Serving Sport

6th December 2021

Award Winning

We are absolutely buzzing to have our work throughout the pandemic recognised at the Sports Business Awards 2021. We are truly honoured to receive the silver award for Best Business Serving Sport! This award was open to any company working in and around sport. Judges were looking for positive customer response and outstanding product/service, supply and innovation. 

Traditionally, Sport Presentation focuses on fan engagement and entertainment, but during the pandemic we found that we had to shift attention to ensure that the atmosphere in venue was not compromised with lower crowd attendance in order to provide athletes with as close to ‘normal’ competition environment, while offering a show that would translate for at-home viewers via broadcast coverage.

For each event, we were required to scope multiple solutions based on changing fan attendance, with the challenge of short lead times and late confirmation of requirements based on latest government advice. Our team of experienced Sport Presentation producers have had to overcome challenges faced with hosting live sport events during a global pandemic to deliver an exciting and entertaining programme, without any compromise to the quality. Our robust contingency and project planning saw the production timelines shortened dramatically to remain flexible to ever changing conditions, which allowed for risk mitigation by both ourselves as a company, and our clients. Overall, we are proud of what we have been able to deliver over the pandemic, much of which will as remain a working model moving forward. 

The judging panels comments were very much appreciated…

“Excellent ability to shift their way of working to cope with the challenges of Covid and still deliver for fans in venue and for TV

Very impressed with the creativity, innovation and delivery”